And if I'm going to help my children learn determination, then I have to have a little...and I do. I finally completed two days of strength training in a week! It's so sad that it has taken me this long. It really doesn't take a lot of time to do a basic plan. Here's my motivation:
And yes, I'm stealing stickers from my kids for my own chart. Two stickers a week gets me a chai latte on the weekend. A month of two stickers a week gets me some new running gear.
And look what I've found to help me with the nutrition side of health and fitness:
I had been eyeing these reusable sandwich and snack bags online, but to pay $6 or $7 a piece plus pay shipping made them seem a little pricey to me. But I found these in the baby aisle at Walmart near the sippy cups and snack cups. I plan on using them to take things like almonds or grapes to school with me. They are machine washable for anything too messy. I still like the ones I saw online (they were lined, closed with velcro and were available in sandwich size), but these will work for now.
And another make-do find? This: 
I have been eyeing bento boxes for a while now, but once again, paying $10 and up for a little box seems silly, especially when you have to add shipping. So I found this little 7-compartment box in the craft section for $2. I'm going to give it a try for a few days and see how it goes. If it works well, I think I'll add a few more so I can make my week's snacks on Sunday evening. I really wanted a 4-compartment one (basically half of this one), but it will work.
I have it loaded with some World Market berry and poppy seed crackers (30 calories), Cracker Barrel cheese cubes (60 calories), cherry tomatoes (30 calories), grapes (30 calories) and almonds (160 calories). That's probably a few too many calories for snacks for me, but if I don't have healthy choices available right after school, I'll eat a candy bar from the vending machine or choose unhealthy stuff once I get home.
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