Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's Sunday...time for this week's schedule...

Today has been a rather odd day. A big storm blew in last night and we actually had rain most of the morning. We went out with friends last night and the kids were at the grandparents', so the hubby and I enjoyed a lazy morning listening to the rain. But now it's cold! The kids got home and had lunch, but then they both took naps. I haven't had a ton of things to do...a little laundry, a few crafty Mother's Day things, but that's about it.

I figure I should look at the week ahead to figure out what's coming up and what workouts I need to fit in. I know that last week was supposed to be an "easy" week on the training plan for the 10K at the end of the month, but since I hadn't signed up for it yet, I stuck to my normal easy/fast/short/long routine. Now, the question is whether or not to take this week as an easy week or just keep on trucking through the plan.

If I just stick to the plan (which is what I will probably do), my week will look like this:

Monday-easy 4 miles
Tuesday-t-ball game in the evening
Wednesday-tempo run of 2 miles at 9:49 (which my handy-dandy conversion chart tells me is about a 6.1 on the treadmill) with a mile warmup and a mile cooldown for a total of 4 miles...I may make this another 3 mile tempo
-church in the evening
Thursday-the plan doesn't have anything, but I usually do 2-3 at the Y during SB's dance class
-SB has an extra dance class this week
Saturday-6 miles (the plan says at 11:32, but I usually do about 10:40 or so)
-t-ball pictures and game
-head to a family get-together out-of-town
Sunday-rest, well at least workout-wise...we'll be having a Mother's Day breakfast with my mother-in-law and driving back home for Mother's Day at my parents' with my dad's side of the rest for the weary :)

Somewhere in there, I need to figure out some healthy meals/snacks, make some homemade yogurt, grocery shop, finish making Mother's Day gifts, and get to the post office.

I'm also trying to stick to my daily crunches, but I missed a couple of days already. It's better than nothing though!

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