Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Training, New Blog

Ok, yesterday marked the first day of my 8-week training plan for my second 10K coming up Sept. 25. I ran 3 miles straight...although slowly. It as my first run with my new Garmin (thanks, Mom and Dad!) and while it was nice knowing how far I ran, I'm not so sure I like knowing how slowly I went!

I was scheduled for a tempo run today; however, my body was not going to have any of that and I dreamed about losing my Garmin, getting lost, etc. for the last 3 hours of my sleep this morning. I figured that meant it wasn't a good idea, so I didn't. Instead, I spent a while today reworking my original Hal Higdon plan into a morphed-out cross between a Runner's World plan and the one I had planned on using. It now works for me with rest days where I'm used to having them, long runs on days I can actually do them, and tempo/speedwork in a logical place for me. What that means, though, is that I have a tempo run in the morning...and I'm looking forward to it! I guess I should read up on my Garmin and see if I can set it to mark some intervals for me now.

I had no idea I could get so into the training on this...the logistics, planning, technology, etc. So much stuff to read and do.

I'm still trying to figure out when and how to fit in strength training. I know I need to do it at least twice a week, but I haven't gotten that part completely down yet. I don't like to use lots of weights and stuff, but obviously that's part of it. That will be my next task. Well, the task after figuring out the intervals on the Garmin.

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