Monday, June 13, 2011

Is it possible to die from crunches and pushups?

Are you sure?

I only did two workouts last week, but it's Monday and I'm anal like that, so I moved up to the next week in the crunch and pushup challenges.

Crunches, W4D1: 184 (32/38/32/32/50)
Pushups, W2D1: 24 (4/6/4/4/6)

Definitely stronger on the crunches than the pushups...sad, in a way, because I was really hoping the crunches would help whittle my waist a little. I don't think that's happening.

I've got to get this eating healthy thing figured out. I just can't seem to control the afternoon snack attack.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I think you can die from crunches and pushups. I'm blaming the push-ups for me being sick this week. :)
