Thursday, December 9, 2010

More items to add to the runner's wish list

I didn't think about these things yesterday, so I'll add a few more to the list. I have some of these, so maybe these are more of a general "runner's wish list." Maybe today will be 11 things since yesterday was 12?

1. A Phiten bracelet.

2. A Phiten necklace. And in my favorite color.

3. Phiten discs. I really want to try these! I'm wondering if there's a limit on how many you should put on at once. I can just see me with a row down my IT band, down my shin, behind my calves....LOL!

4. A Firefly. For those dark runs. Which don't happen often. I'm a chicken.

5. A Road ID. Ok, I have this one in pink already. But I think I'd like a black one too. Everyone should have one of these. Safety first, people!

6. Calf compression sleeves. I have these. And love them. Best recovery ever. And I've used them at the first hint of a shin splint, and lo and behold, no shin splint!

7. Thigh compression sleeves. I don't have these and would love to try them!

8. Water bottle. I have a larger one with the pocket/strap. And I love it. It's perfect for my chews. But I think I'd like to try the smaller size of this one.

9. Bondi band. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what I had. Yes, had. I had a black headband and was actually wearing it around my neck for warmth at this past weekend's marathon relay. I got warm. Took it off and looped it on my arm. And promptly forgot it was there when I switched my water bottle to my other hand. And there it went. Granted, I'm loving my hat with the ponytail hole. And that makes the headband a little unnecessary right now.

10. And check out these gators. I guess that would have saved me the trouble of wearing a headband around my neck, huh?

11. And The Stick. I have a foam roller, which I highly recommend as well. But I want to try The Stick, especially for my IT band.

Ok. That's 11. We'll aim on 10 must-have food and nutrition items for tomorrow.

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