Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So off schedule

Between Christmas festivities, getting sick and no work for my husband and me, I am so off schedule. I thrive on routine, so this is hard for me. I know I should just chill out and enjoy the laziness, but that is just not my nature. We are getting things done...just not on a scheduled plan. And knowing our break is three quarters of the way over is sad. I never feel like I got as much done as I wanted or enjoyed the time as much as I could have.

So, here's a plan for today. If I have a plan, I will at least feel better.
1. Run, even if it is a short one
2. Shower
3. Nap
4. Catch up on some magazine reading. I think I have about 6 magazines on my Nook that I haven't even seen yet.
5. Make dinner (it has been so easy to just eat out!)
6. Play with the kids

Ok, so nothing on there is earth-shattering, but it's a list. I will feel like I have accomplished something if I can check them off the list.

***Update: I managed to run, shower, and play with the kids. That's half the list. We're heading out of town tomorrow for the day, so I'll take care of the nap and magazines then :)


  1. I'm such a list maker too. It's weird to let the days slip by and look up and realize its dinner time and I've done nothing. It's nice, too, but the days can pass so fast (said as its now 11am here an all I've checked off my list is some exercise). Have a productive day (your list sounds nice by the way - especially the reading and the nap).

  2. All I have done today is play with the kids and assemble a trampoline. No nap, no run, no shower, no magazines...but the day isn't over yet!

  3. I like the list idea...I might need to try it, especially during times of crazy schedules and things!!!
